Representatives from the Print & Web Processing Team of tesa tape, inc., an affiliate of tesa SE, a global leader in the manufacture and supply of pressure-sensitive adhesive tapes, are pleased to announce an addition to its line of plate mounting tapes designed specifically for narrow web flexographic printing applications. The new product innovation – tesa Softprint® 52018 Plus Plate Mounting Tape - is an enhanced version of the original product announced just one year ago.
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Specialized Foams and Adhesives Complete Our tesa Softprint® Plate Mounting Assortment for Flexo Label Printing
As the commercial printing industry adapts to changing market demands, we continue to find innovative adhesive solutions that help printers remain competitive
Employees at tesa tape are pleased to announce the company’s newest product innovations designed for the tag and label printing industry. These new products – The tesa Softprint® Secure Plate Mounting Tape Family – join the company’s extensive product portfolio of adhesive tapes designed for the package printing industry.
We are pleased to be exhibiting at this year’s Info-Flex Show – March 7 & 8 in Fort Worth – to showcase our products for the flexible packaging / consumer packaged goods industry. Show visitors will be among the first to see our next-generation tape products for flexo printing applications.
tesa tape, inc. is pleased to release the company’s newest innovations for the flexographic printing industry - the tesa Softprint® Secure Plate Mounting Tape Family.
tesa EasySplice® solutions for the printing industry have developed even further.
We offer a comprehensive assortment of plate mounting tapes with foam, film, or cloth backings to fulfill all flexo printing needs.
Flexible Packaging was able to ask Joe Prunier, Market Manager – Print & Web Processing for tesa tape, inc. – some questions on behalf of printers.