Since 2014, 1.5 billion smartphones have been equipped with an innovative adhesive technology developed by tesa: It allows the replacement of the battery. For this revolutionary development, in 2020, tesa Bond & Detach was declared the public favorite and awarded the title of 'Innovator of the Year' in Germany.
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Cell phone adhesive tapes offer clean, easy-to-remove bonding and strength. ➤ Discover more about these strong yet removable tapes here.
Innovative technologies that help us pave the way for more sustainable products.
Every company is unique. Every production process is different. Scientists at tesa understand that our adhesive tapes need special properties depending on how and where they are applied. And we use synthetic rubber to open up limitless design possibilities for each of our customers worldwide.
As the global market for wearable technology continues to grow, tesa® 612xx High Performance Tapes will play an important role in the design and production of these futuristic devices.
Design, technology, processing, and cost-effectiveness – adhesive tapes enable the building industry to achieve significant improvements in these areas.