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tesa Launches Release Liner Splicing Tape

A splicing tape for release liners must fulfil two very specific requirements. The adhesive of the splicing tape needs to stick to the siliconized papers and films typically used for release liners. Its backing, however, needs very good anti-adhesive characteristics for a wide range of materials that are coated above it.

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tesa Releases New Case Study for Specialty Appliances

As products for industrial, medical, and personal use continue to become more sophisticated, there is a growing need for enhanced research, testing, and storage techniques to support these evolutionary products. tesa answers the call of a specialty appliance manufacturer in need of a specialized gasket solution.

tesa tape Releases Next Generation Roller Wrap Products

Representatives from the Print & Web Processing Team of tesa tape, inc., are pleased to announce the launch of two next-generation products designed for use in printing applications, as well as other production processes. These new products – tesa® 4863 PV3 and tesa® 4563 PV3 Roller Wrapping Tapes – are both third-generation products that have been optimized for today’s progressive printing and manufacturing equipment that utilize roller systems.