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Ready for the next generation of wireless charging?

Have you ever roamed through the airport looking for a power outlet to charge your dying mobile phone, only to find a line of people waiting to use the only available outlet? Or sat anxiously at a table in your favorite café while your expensive new smart phone is plugged in out of sight across the room?

tesa Announces Next Generation Plate Mounting Tapes

We are pleased to be exhibiting at this year’s Info-Flex Show – March 7 & 8 in Fort Worth – to showcase our products for the flexible packaging / consumer packaged goods industry. Show visitors will be among the first to see our next-generation tape products for flexo printing applications.

tesa tape Releases Next Generation Roller Wrap Products

Representatives from the Print & Web Processing Team of tesa tape, inc., are pleased to announce the launch of two next-generation products designed for use in printing applications, as well as other production processes. These new products – tesa® 4863 PV3 and tesa® 4563 PV3 Roller Wrapping Tapes – are both third-generation products that have been optimized for today’s progressive printing and manufacturing equipment that utilize roller systems.

For a new generation of adhesive tapes.

Highest product quality, lower CO₂ emissions in the value chain, more sustainability in our range: we have set ourselves ambitious goals and are pursuing them consistently.

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