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Why Tape Is Crucial to the Automotive Industry

Modern automotive construction without adhesive tape technology is inconceivable. More than 100 different types of tape are concealed within every new car. They fulfill functional purposes that are as important as they are different.

Viscoelastic tapes and other solutions for the automotive industry

For more than 90 years, tesa has been collaborating with its partners in the automotive industry to develop custom-made mounting solutions for a wide variety of vehicle applications. With its worldwide production sites and Customer Solution Centers, the company comprehensively supports car manufacturers in optimizing their products and processes and in meeting the highest quality standards.

tesa tape Launches New Line of Bonding Tapes for Automotive Industry

Representatives from the Automotive Business Segment of tesa tape, inc., an affiliate of tesa SE, a global leader in the manufacture and supply of pressure-sensitive adhesive tapes, are pleased to announce a new line of double-sided adhesive tapes specifically designed for permanently bonding
automobile components throughout the vehicle body.

About tesa

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