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Liquid Glue or Adhesive Tape – Who Wins?

Everyone has had liquid glue in their hands at some point – and adhesive tape as well. But what are the adhesive properties that make them differ from each other? What advantages does adhesive tape have over liquid glue? We have compared them.

Where Is Adhesive Tape Used In Industry?

Industrial Adhesive tapes optimize magazine cover printings, catch crooks and sometimes also help to heat up coffee. They are indispensable in numerous industrial products.

Glues & Cleaners

We offer high-quality spray adhesives that are suitable for use on a wide range of materials and cleaners that can be used for surface protection and removing residues.

It's a tape world

Creating a tape that fulfills the requirements of demanding applications is a complex task. Explore our Wikitapia resources to learn more about the basics of tape technology.

Electronics Sample Request - Structural Adhesive Tapes

Thank you for your interest in our Structural Bonding Solutions.
We would be very happy to support with a sample for testing.
However, we first need some information before we are able to help.
Please take your time. It's worth it!