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tesa® ACXplus Multi Purpose Assortment

The tesa® ACXplus Multi Purpose (MP) assortment is a product group used for a wide range of bonding applications. No wonder it's one of our most popular lines for industrial distributors and converters.

What's the Deal with Peel (Peel Adhesion, that is)?

Talking about pressure sensitive adhesive tapes it is not all about adhesion, cohesion and tack. You need to know more to find the perfect tape for your specific purpose. To be precise, there are three more things: tensile strength, shear resistance, and peel adhesion.

Solar Frame Bonding

Our foam tapes are a trusted solution for solar frame bonding. Benefit from an aesthetic finish and a fast, clean, and simple assembly process.


Our special adhesive tapes seal holes and gaps to ensure that no PU-foam leaks out.