Representatives from the Automotive Business Segment of tesa tape, inc., an affiliate of tesa SE, a global leader in the manufacture and supply of pressure-sensitive adhesive tapes, are pleased to announce a new line of double-sided adhesive tapes specifically designed for permanently bonding
automobile components throughout the vehicle body.
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Today company officials of tesa tape, inc., an affiliate of tesa SE, global leader in the manufacture and supply of pressure-sensitive adhesive tapes, announced an expansion to its line of bonding tapes by unveiling two new products designed for indoor bonding applications. These new products join the company’s expansive line of more than 80 industrial grade double-sided tapes designed for temporary and permanent bonding applications.
During the exhibition BAU 2017 we present efficient and easy to use fixation methods with double-sided tapes for the Building Industry.
The inner workings of smartphones, tablets and smartwatches are held together by numerous tiny adhesive tapes. Many manufacturers rely on high-performance tapes from tesa for that purpose. Now tesa is taking a technological leap with a new innovation: an adhesive tape that is activated by light.
Industrial hand dispenser "Strap-it"
Our adhesive tape solutions for reliable bonding guarantee an excellent and durable result for your appliances.
Increased device stability with our structural bonding solutions: tesa HAF®.
As our key business partners, we globally support Converters' growth by providing both high-quality adhesive tape solutions and a cross-functional service package.