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Specialty Vehicles

Drawing on our vast experience in the automotive industry, let us help you to deliver outstanding results in an efficient, clean and proven way with our innovative tape solutions for commercial and specialty vehicles.

Certified Fire Protection in Railway Vehicles

SBF GmbH uses tesa® ACXplus 7072 to efficiently mount and secure their lighting modules. The tape fulfills the requirements of DIN EN 45545 for an "aluminum - tape – aluminum” design.

Special adhesive tapes for electric vehicles

A technology is moving into the fast lane: In 2030, for the first time, more cars with electric drives than with combustion engines will be sold worldwide. Manufacturers and suppliers are working relentlessly on ever more powerful batteries – and their safe assembly. Adhesive tapes have great potential in this field: tesa specializes in the development of multifunctional tapes and, as a partner to the automotive industry, makes an important contribution to the transformation towards e-mobility.

Permanent Protection

Sensitive surfaces or spots that are exposed to more severe usage can be best protected with our long-lasting solutions for permanent protection.