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Repairing tapes offer “first aid” in emergency situations, allowing minor damages to be fixed with little effort. These tapes are ideal for fast and reliable repairs.

Repairing is Caring

If it’s broken, fix it – that’s the motto behind the product idea of Sugru®. The company has set itself a goal to help protect the environment and conserve resources by producing and selling fewer new products. With this malleable adhesive, everyday objects can be repaired and embellished quickly and easily. It’s not for nothing that the patented, multiple-award winning product has a million-strong fan base and is shaking up the DIY movement. In 2018, Sugru® became a part of the tesa product world.

Specialty Vehicles

Drawing on our vast experience in the automotive industry, let us help you to deliver outstanding results in an efficient, clean and proven way with our innovative tape solutions for commercial and specialty vehicles.