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All wrapped up! tesa relies on bio-based materials and recycling

Wrap, pack, unpack: The wide world has turned into one big department store. In the wake of globalization and online trade, goods and gifts travel non-stop around the globe. Every year, and all around the world, more than 100 billion packages (that is over 3,200 per second) take a tour. Their constant companion: adhesive packaging tape that later ends up in the trash. A plus for environmental protection: tesa now offers two new sustainable tapes.

Holding the world together –<br /> watch our new image film

Many of our products might be where you least expect them. Our adhesive solutions aim to shape the future in an innovative, reliable, and sustainable way. Whether it is the battery in your electric car, the accessories in your bathroom, or your mobile phone, find out how tesa holds the world together by watching our new video.

A Consolation Prize after 20 Years

"Comper" is the term for people who make a job of entering contests and competitions. Nowadays, there are a wealth of online portals that make it easy for these "fortune hunters" to indulge in their hobby. It wasn’t always like that.