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tesa Introduces New Foam Tapes for Industrial Applications

Today company officials of tesa tape, inc., an affiliate of tesa SE, global leader in the manufacture and supply of pressure-sensitive adhesive tapes, announced an expansion to its line of bonding tapes by unveiling two new products designed for indoor bonding applications. These new products join the company’s expansive line of more than 80 industrial grade double-sided tapes designed for temporary and permanent bonding applications.

Filmic Tapes

For holding applications that require higher strength than carton sealing tape, and greater elongation and conformability than filament tape.

Filmic Tapes

Filmic tape offers holding power with flexibility for moving or shifting parts.

Filmic Tapes

When precise masking is critical, filmic tapes are the products of choice. These products are also referred to as fine-line tapes; the name speaks for itself.

Filmic Tapes

Double-sided filmic tapes are relatively thin, dimensionally stable, and are ideal for bonding to flat, smooth surfaces such as glass, metal, and non-embossed plastics.

Filament Tapes

Adhesive filament and strapping tapes with reinforced backings that render heavy duty strapping and bundling performance. Strong and flexible holding power you can rely on.